Mental Health Awareness Week
As we reach the later half of Mental Health Awareness Week, all of us at Amore would like to remind you that your wellbeing comes first.
The NHS Digital service has surveyed individuals across England, finding that one in six adults had a common mental health problem. By age 14, 50% of mental health conditions are established and 75% by age 24.
All of this is to say, you are not alone.
A lot of good advice exists to improve your mental health. Make sleep a priority, leave time for your social life, get involved in hobbies and make Moments for Movement!
Since exercise is such a priority for this Mental Health Awareness Week, we’ve already made a post about how to find time for an active life – even in a busy weekday.
Of course, we can only do so much by ourselves. Times come where we could all use some help.
If you are struggling and need some support, here are some organisations that can help you out:
- Mind provides a wealth of resources for those battling mental health problems, as well as the people who support those who do.
- Samaritans offers a 24/7 mobile helpline service at 116 123, an email and 1-2-1 chat, and in-person meeting at select branches for individuals needing urgent support.
- Kooth provides a similar service for 11-25 year olds. Online 1-2-1 chats are available from 12pm – 10pm on weekdays and 6pm – 10pm on weekends.