Mental Health Awareness Week

Today marks the start of Mental Health Awareness week which this year is promoting ‘Kindness’. Often doing a small act of kindness not only benefits others, though you may find it helps your wellbeing too. Though your gesture does not need to be grand, sometimes the smallest things can brighten someone’s day. Why not give a friend a call or make a member of your household a brew (add a biscuit if you are feeling extra kind)?

Many of our staff are going above and beyond to ensure those most vulnerable in society receive care. We would like to give a mention to Lauren Pannett. Lauren initially joined the Amore Group with the intention of working in a school environment to support children with autism, but due to the pandemic the school has been closed. Instead, Lauren has stepped out of her comfort zone and is working within a mental health environment in a secure hospital setting and has received very complimentary feedback from clients.

Not only that, but Lauren has been doing her own acts of kindness by using her free time to drop food and necessities to elderly people and relatives who cannot access the community due to the social distancing restrictions in place.  Thank you, Lauren, for your continued determination to support others!

Let us know what acts of kindness you have been doing by commenting below.