Our Liverpool Branch Manager, Paula Murphy, shares her care career story…
New year, new career?
Today we share our second care career story from Paula Murphy, our Liverpool Branch Manager, which we hope will inspire you to consider a career in health and social care as part of January’s #goodcaremonth, that aims to raise awareness of the health and social care sector and encourage you to think of Social Care when considering your next career move.
Prior to starting with the Amore Group, Paula worked for 3 years as a KS4 teacher at a charity organisation for children aged 14-16 with emotional behavioural difficulties.
Paula has since worked within Social Care for 8 years, starting with the Amore Group in June 2017 as a Team Leader for our Amore Social Care division based in Liverpool. Within this role Paula managed a team of 6, in addition to supporting with client liaison, identifying new business opportunities and completing supervisions and appraisals with her team.
In recognition of her hard work as a Team Leader, Paula was promoted to Branch Manager for the Liverpool branch where she has continued to exceed in her role, not only progressing in her own career though encouraging progression and championing the ambition of her team.
Do you want your own career story like Paula’s to share? Why not contact us today and we would be happy to discuss which roles would suit you! Call 0333 200 5132 or email enquiries@amore-group.co.uk.