Amore Complex Care Supports Dignity Action Day

Most of us at some point in our lives will be in contact with care services, be that in our work, as a service user, carer, relative or friend and when we do we hope we will be treated with dignity and respect.

Amore Complex Care is helping to make sure that dignity is a reality for all. Over and above the care that Amore Group provide on a daily basis we are running an event as part of a national day of action to promote dignity in care.

On Friday 31st January and Monday 3rd February between 1pm and 4:30pm we will be constructing a ‘Digni-tree’ at our Widnes Branch.

We would like to invite fellow Amore team members, clients and guests to join us and write on a leaf explaining what dignity means to them.

It’s free to join in and we’ll supply the hot drinks and cakes, so please come along and help us make this a truly memorable two days.

Dignity Action Day is a national initiative led by the Dignity in Care Campaign and its key partners. Their aim is to ensure people in care are treated as individuals, are given choice, control and a sense of purpose in their daily activities and are provided with stimulating activities.

For more information about our event please contact us on 0151 541 5650 extension 3.