Anthony Brumfitt shares why he LOVES to care and his biggest achievement in his 10-year care career

In the spirit of Valentine’s, one of our support workers, Anthony Brumfitt shares why he LOVES to care and his biggest achievement in his 10-year care career.

“My love for care started at the age of 14 from caring for my dad who had COPD emphysema. Life was hard as it was just us 2 for a few years. It was tough but as the years went on this then became second nature.

“My friends and family suggested I should train to become a paramedic or a nurse. So, at the age of 18 I joined St John Ambulance. I was part of the organisation for 4 years and enjoyed every second of it. The satisfaction was second to none.

“I have worked in care for 10 years and can’t think of anything better. I have supported individuals with a number of different disabilities. Yes, it is challenging at times but so rewarding knowing that at the end of the shift you have changed someone’s life.

“I never forget my biggest achievement was helping 2 ladies I supported to get married. It was scary, they put their whole faith in me to organise everything. They were worried people would judge or fall out with them. But I reassured them that everything is okay, and it did not matter, as long as they were happy. I am proud to say over 150 guests turned up and it was the happiest day of their lives. I will cherish this forever.”

Have you got your own care love story to share? Get in touch with us today at or call 0333 200 5132.