Carers Rights Day
Today marks Carers Rights Day 2021. This day is held to raise awareness of carers rights and the support available to them within their community.
During the pandemic this has exacerbated the need for carers more so, with access to services being restricted, making the work carers do even more challenging.
Carers provide unpaid support to a family member, a friend, or just someone they know that is in need to ensure they have the assistance they require to go about their daily lives. The life of the loved one could have changed overnight meaning they were thrown into the role unexpectedly. Often the carer will not recognise the full-scale of the responsibilities they have taken on, or even see themselves as a carer.
Wherever you are in your carer’s journey, ensure you know the rights and support available to you by visiting Carers UK help page https://www.carersuk.org/news-and-campaigns/carers-rights-day/your-rights.