It’s looking GOOD in Manchester!

Our Amore Complex Care Manchester team proudly celebrated their CQC rating of achieving GOOD in all areas today!

As the branches first CQC inspection, we are immensely proud and delighted at the result, which is a true reflection and testimony to the high level of support and care that the team, our field staff, and management provides to our clients.

Within the published report, Care Quality Commission, commented:

‘People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.’

‘People’s outcomes were consistently good, and people’s feedback confirmed this. “It’s going well, [relative] has made remarkable progress, it’s down to the team doing a fantastic job” and “The staff know [relative] inside out now.”

‘People were supported and treated with dignity and respect; and involved as partners in their care.’

Manchester’s Registered Manager, Ashleigh Egan, commented:

“I am incredibly proud of the team and our staffing teams for achieving a GOOD rating in all areas within our first inspection. We are excited for what the future holds for the Manchester branch and look forward to continuing to deliver high quality person-centred care, with an outcome-focused approach, that will enable us to achieve Outstanding in our next inspection!”

To read the full inspection report, please follow the below link to the CQC website below: