Marathon Man
Paul Fry, Branch Manager of Amore Social Care Preston, will be running the London Marathon on April 28 to support the Dementia Revolution – a special one-year campaign from Alzheimer’s Society and Alzheimer’s Research UK, who have joined forces as Charity of the Year for the 2019 Virgin Money London Marathon. The campaign is raising money for the most ambitious dementia research endeavour the UK has ever seen – the UK Dementia Research Institute.
Paul said: “This terrible condition affects us all. “My biggest fear is that our children will grow up in a society that does not have the capabilities of controlling this epidemic condition. I wish to continue down the successful road in ‘getting the word out’ and ensuring as many people as possible understand how they can help others (not only with the condition but their family members also).”
“My second wish is that our children can grow up and this condition not be a burden to them in the future, already there have been significant findings and development.
“If we can get enough funding to research and control this condition it will alleviate a big problem for families and society as a whole.”
To sponsor Paul on this great achievement please visit www.uk.virginmoneygiving.com/PaulFry2