Random Acts of Kindness Day
Random Acts of Kindness Day and Week is an annual celebration founded by The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation.
This non-profit organisation founded in 1995 is dedicated to inspiring everyone to make kindness the norm.
Amore Group believe that a little bit of kindness can go a long way in supporting others and uplifting their spirits.
Here are some ideas of small gestures that everyone can make to brighten somebody’s day:
-Be a good listener
-Offer to help somebody
-Compliment a stranger
-Treat somebody to a tea or coffee
-Start a fundraiser
At Amore Group, our carers show these acts of kindness each and every day, ensuring that the person that they are supporting knows that they have someone that they can rely on.
If you are the sort of person who goes the extra mile for your friends and family then a career as a carer may be perfect for you.
Personality, patience and the desire to care are worth more to us than qualifications. We pride ourselves in providing our carers with funded training opportunities to enhance their skills and assist our service users further.
If you would like more information then please contact our recruitment team today on 0333 200 5132.